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I design Quantum Transmissions creating new Realities of Hope for this wounded world. Fierce Love & Joy are the Heart of Change ✨ Come and Change the World with me.

Each week you'll get a free article (a 5 minute read straight into your inbox) giving you easy Quantum Magic techniques, sharing stories from the front lines of Planetary Healing and debunking some myths along the way.

So come on in … because how much fun can we have surfing the quantum fields together, creating new realities?

Hello! I'm Susan, your host and guide to Molecules Dancing and I'm really happy you're here. I design Quantum Transmissions to create new Realities of Hope for this wounded world. Fierce Love & Joy are the Heart of Change

I'm so passionate about World Healing and prayer meditations. NOW is the time to heal and renew our planet - the land and oceans; the social, political and religious systems; the old ancestral & cultural beliefs and patterns - we can create new realities and #bethatpowerful

For over fifteen years, I've been dancing with molecules … as a Reiki Master Teacher and as an Advanced ThetaHealing® practitioner. I've specialised in being a quantum healer of homes & buildings; a kick-ass demon banisher and an energy intuitive deeply connected to the Earth.

I love teaching others how to be Planetary Healers … and more importantly, hold space for you to grow in confidence and trust your abilities to command Quantum Magic.

Ready to join the adventure?

I'd be so grateful if you'd share this with your friends …

Love & Hugs


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Healing in the Quantum Field’s thirsty work! A coffee goes a long way to keep my feet on the ground!✨🥰✨ You can buy me one at buymeacoffee.com/MoleculesDancing

Susan x

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Within the kaleidoscope of Life the molecules of joy, wonder, love and presence dance to enrich and transform us.