Molecules Dancing
Molecules Dancing
2020 - New Beginnings

2020 - New Beginnings

Welcome to Molecules Dancing. I’m Susan Gwynn Lloyd and I’m so happy you’re here. 

Wow, what a year 2019 was, wasn’t it? Upsets and challenges on all levels ... from political shenanigans, disastrous weather events, no end in sight for the global refuge crisis, race and gender outrages, denial from all quarters and ... Greta! Passionate voices refusing to be silenced, committed activism and demand for change. And as we stand at the beginning of 2020 no one can predict what this new decade will bring.

But you know whilst we all have a different focus on what we have a heart-longing to change, my sense is of a powerful coming together across the world to stand up and search for ways and means to stop such atrocities, to draw the line and to support in whatever way we can, our fellow human beings.

However, anger and resistance aren’t really the way forward anymore. We need to move away from the vortex of battling everything that’s low vibration in our world. Staying stuck in the same energy of fighting the injustices creates ... well, more of the same ... more conflict.

If you’re here with me, then you’ve probably already spent time in deep personal healing work. Maybe you are trained in various modalities like Reiki, ThetaHealing, Access Consciousness etc, and work not only on yourself but with clients. And all this inner work and exploration has been to strip away the old beliefs, genetic patterning, past life traumas which have kept us believing we are small and powerless and at the mercy of outside events.

Over the past year particularly, we’ve emerged blinking into the Light aware on a cellular level, right down to our evolving DNA, that we are Powerful Co-Creators of Reality. With new found trust in ourselves and enhanced skills which have been levelling us up, we can literally Dance Molecules into new patterns of love-filled potentials and possibilities.

Now is the time to create beyond the traumas and petty attempts at control, envisioning new realities, new futures for ourselves and our planet.

How? Well there are many techniques - and all involve consciously or unconsciously connecting with the Quantum Field where all healing and creating takes place, to witness destructive beliefs being released, trauma healed, oaths and vows being cancelled, all so that new seeds of a different truth and future are anchored in allowing renewed energies to exist.

I design and lead Quantum Transmissions to create new Realities of Hope for our wounded world.

A Quantum Transmission is a focused creation of vision and intent to Change the World.

So, at the luminous start of 2020 let’s: centre ourselves, remember this is not dreaming, wishing or even imagining but a heart-connected focus to create realties beyond this reality.

Hold the image of our shining blue globe in your mind’s eye. This is your anchor ... from here you can zoom in to a particular issue or event or expand out to witness the energies which support the Earth.

At the same time, be aware of your incredible heart space - the powerhouse of your Being. Relax into the warmth and peace of it, feel your natural wisdom and higher intelligence.

In this cosmic ‘bubble’ be aware of all the Beings who are focused on a new vision for our planet ... for the human systems, for the land and for all forms of life here. We form a golden circle of enlivened energy, shining out Love and powerful intent.

Soften your awareness to feel the great thrum of Gaia’s Being. She’s grounding us and enveloping us. You may become aware of whispers and messages from her, each applicable to you personally.

For this Transmission I’m asking for the magnificent Dragon energy to instantly clear stagnant frequencies, burn through dark imprints and generally rearrange molecules to open everything up to the Light. 

At this threshold we hold the vision of world systems which begin to operate at the highest good of their citizens, to relinquish fear-based programs and that it is safe to be seen as leaders of the heart.

We hold the intention of a worldwide media which can open up to and explore healthy ways of being profitable rather than operating too often at the lowest level.  And that the individuals and organisations which are heart-centred, are supported in Love to expand and flourish.

In this now moment we are reaching out with Love in Action to the land and the oceans witnessing a new awareness of regeneration and protection. That weather systems are released from man-made attempts at management and returned to the true life-giving communication with the land. We visualise toxins, plastics, overloads of fertilisers transform at the quantum level to disperse without harm. We ask that beliefs around the impossibility of this be lifted, along with ideas of payoff ... that every action or benefit has a price. These limiting ideas have no place in the new realities.

Seeing many parts of our beautiful planet burn and flood to extreme this year has ripped at our hearts. We now hold a vision of the sovereignty of the land being returned, the wisdom and multi-dimensional realities of plants and trees, soil, all animals and water being supported to hold their truths and purposes and that we humans feel safe and able to hear and know when and where to act in true co-existence. On a deep breath, allow healing of our hearts to be received so we can release blame, shame, judgement, ignorance and helplessness about these events and move forward in to this new year with a strong, deep knowing of our connectedness and our own power.

In the quantum field, I’m witnessing beams of golden and white light lasers targeting the beliefs, soul contracts, genetic memories and more around these issues, cleansing and clearing so that brilliant futures now become part of the hologram of this Now moment. For those of you who are used to walking amongst the dimensions and healing intuitively you will be ‘seeing’ the shifts and transformations in your own way.

As I witness the Transmission activate brave new realities I can feel the energies shimmer and then settle into renewed patterns. Shivers of hope and excitement ripple through me as I experience the joy and love surrounding the earth and us as we hold this quantum space.

This Quantum Transmission takes place in the eternal Now moment and can be accessed at any time and as many times as you choose. Any of these transformations can be visited with the intent to effect even deeper change ... I’d love to hear of your experiences if you do delve deeper.

Thank you so much for joining me within this Transmission.

I’ve just drawn the 9 of cups from the beautiful Light Seer’s Tarot deck asking for it on behalf of the Transmission we’ve just done 🥰 Here’s the message:

The Universe is gifting you your desire, choosing joy, manifested dreams, gratitude, abundance.

Can’t argue with that!

xx Susan

Molecules Dancing
Molecules Dancing
Sharing Quantum Transmissions to create new Realities of Hope for our wounded world, stories from the front lines of Planetary Healing and debunking some myths along the way.
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Susan Gwynn Lloyd
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